4 thoughts on “An Obama supporter joins the progressive web forum

  1. Dear Mark,

    Well, the first time I’ve ever written you, communicated with you, or even thought about you sober. I’m off the sauce, so to speak. Whatever you call it, I’ve lived quite a while now (three months and counting) without drugs. It’s the oddest thing: nothing is different. Not a damned thing. Weird.

    Another weird thing: suboxone. It was a new drug they came up with,
    chemically similar to the opiates I was ingesting (enough to kill Hunter Thompson), it does something to the reuptake receptors: I just slid off drugs instantly, then kept at it till the chemicals were out of my system. The strange part? It wasn’t even hard. I’m not sure what to think about that.

    Anyway, I was thinking about you. Just thought I’d write you sober for once.

    Yours friend,


    PS- Now that I am sober, I’m not adding my last name to posts dealing with dope, which is why I haven’t put my last name and screwed up my email on this one- you know, in case I want a job or something someday and someone might object to a crazed fascist dopehead.


    1. Well, congratulations on that, I guess. There are chemicals for every purpose, but some of them have a dulling effect over time, booze being one of them. So we have to use them in moderation or not at all, which makes them not very much fun. I’ve found that a glass of wine in the evening promotes a good night’s rest, and that seven or eight glasses make walking difficult. I tend to do one or the other.

      I’ve read where LSD or meth have a calming effect, eliminate the desire for the other drugs – have you done that that route? I mention to friends that I’d like to try LSD, if for no other reason, to purge my brain of accounting and taxes, and I get this “oh no, you’ll jump out a window and have flashbacks!” But I was intrigued that Steve Jobs attributed some of his creative success to LSD. But I’m 62 now, semi-retired, and need something new – politics is pretty hard-wired and repeats constantly. The only satisfaction is bashing a stupid person around, and stupid people don’t know when they’ve been beaten up, so there goes the pleasure there.

      Anyway, very good to hear from you, and I’m off to google suboxone.


  2. Weird though, suboxone, huh?

    Basically there was no cure before it came out. Now the methadone makers are trying to stop it from being marketed effectively because they’re going to lose their market share if Suboxone competes fairly: no one would ever chose methadone again and they’d lose money.

    So the methadone people are fighting to keep a product that doesn’t work on the market by keeping Suboxone only used by doctors who have been trained to do it (methadone can be prescribed by anyone, see) and has made some weirdo loophole where they can’t advertise. Methadone guys have the money and they can protect themselves, suboxone guys can’t. And methadone is still losing. Ha ha.

    Basically, methadone doesn’t do shit: the recidivist abuse for methadone “cures” is enormous. For suboxone, not so much: people tend to stay off it. I’m a little worried: it was so easy to come off, that kind of thinking leads to stupid arrogance. Thankfully, I’ve always been humble. I said I’ve alwa…hello? Where did everyone go?

    Anyway, it was worrying: drugs were too easy to get in Europe (I was there a lot through the last ten years) and then I found home (Houston) was the number one drug market on the planet : basically I went from a really easy drug market to the easiest anywhere in an advanced nation (Afghanistan was the easiest overall: I was high on hash and opium for just under a dollar a day there for 45 days (it was a wonder I lived). I was taking 250 double strength Vic a day (yes, I wrote that right) just to be normal. However, it did make traveling fun.

    You should go to Afghanistan, dude: they are seriously Flintstones: total dicks, all of them, but at least they were weird, which I liked. They liked me, too, which always worried me (if you can’t tell who the asshole is, it’s you). Europe is way too cramped: God didn’t give those people enough space, it fucks with their minds. Cramped little minds, cramped little spaces, all their good stock has been killed in wars (like the US and, well, humanity, now that I think about it. There certainly aren’t any smart people left in Arabia).

    Wow, it only took a minute and 45 seconds to write all that. I’ve got a new program that tells you how fast you really type. Cool.


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